Our Story

As parents of three lovely children, we started Play-A-Latte Cafe with a vision of blending a play space for kids with a specialty cafe for caregivers. In 2018, Play-A-Latte was born as just that; a place for children to experience engaging activity while their parents get to relax with a drink made just for them. 

Our mission is to be your one-stop shop for coffee lovers and families. Whether you’re looking for a delicious latte, a place to engage with other parents, educational opportunities, the perfect gift, or a place to run the kids wild to score the longest nap —we have it all under one roof!

Coming from backgrounds in Marketing and Social Work, our dynamic business (and husband-wife) duo consists of Ronak and Heather who are supported by a great team of baristas and early childhood educators. Our three little pals are also to thank for the constant inspiration they provide, which gave us the perfect opportunity to create this play cafe.



We are constantly evolving to fit your needs! New programs, events, products and menu items are always being added to help us all thrive in this new world. We hope that our cafe feels like a second home to you, like it is to our family!